a young person with long pink hair looks off into a prairie with tall grass and a blue sky full of fluffy clouds

Somatic connection for a remote world.

Twenty Hive is here to support you in supporting yourself, in and out of work.

Twenty Hive Values

Twenty Hive Values

Embrace play

Learning about yourself, your body and how you prefer to move through this world can be hard work. Prioritizing silliness and creativity helps disperse chaotic energy, connect to that inner nudging that knows you better than anyone, and maintain stamina for the journey ahead.

four glowing orbs inside of a larger circle

Return to the earth

Contrary to popular belief, you’re not supposed to always feel grounded. Sometimes too much grounding can feel stuck. By all means, stretch into your feelings or skyrocket into the stratosphere! Just remember: there is safety and stability waiting for you in stabilizing practices — you can come back to them whenever you need.

lush green trees leaning form the left and right toward the center of the image

Make room for expansion.

Whether it's augmenting an existing routine, rearranging your furniture, switching up the group of people you spend time with, the content you consume, the clothes you wear, the food you eat…

growth becomes easier when you listen to those little inner nudges and act accordingly.

Trust yourself

glowing concentric circles

There is no empowerment here. I don't need to give you power. Even if you forget you have power, it's not something that someone can take from you. You have it inside of you (whether you work with me or not).

There is no “right” answer, only what feels better -- for you. Regardless of what your friends / family / coworkers / experts / randos on the internet say, you are the ultimate authority on what's best for you. I'm here to support that through my work and the things I create.

Be honest

Life is awesome...and painful, and ecstatic and numbing and sharp and delicious and bitter and sour and lonely and crowded and boring and surprising and not enough and too much and just right all at once.

Don't let cute aesthetics or pretty packaging tell you otherwise. Your experience is valid. You are SO deserving of love, safety, peace, health, abundance, and however much excitement you want. And we all make mistakes and procrastinate things and are worthy of joy just the same.

a round portal that looks out into a crescent moon in the night sky

Improve access

I work in tech and look at everything I make through the lens of user experience.

The way I approach facilitating 1:1 sessions, workshops, creating meditation stories, and making physical objects centers on presenting information in digestible formats for people who think in a variety of ways.

You can grow at your own pace in your own way with Twenty Hive.

Step through the portal

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